MDC calls for African intervention to end talks deadlock

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said today he had failed to agree on a cabinet with Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe after…

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said today he had failed to agree on a cabinet with Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe after four days of talks and called for African intervention to end the deadlock.

"We have failed to agree on the allocation of ministerial positions," he told journalists.

Mr Tsvangirai called on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union to intervene, and said he remained committed to a broad power-sharing pact with Mr Mugabe.

Supporters of Mugabe earlier accused the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) of "bad faith" and of stalling to try to bring about UN mediation, while the MDC blamed the delay on Zanu-PF's "inflexibility".

The power-sharing deal, brokered by former South African president Thabo Mbeki a month ago, is seen as Zimbabwe's best hope for rescuing an economy where fuel and food are scarce, and inflation stands at 231 million per cent, the world's highest.

Mr Tsvangirai threatened to pull out on Sunday after Mr Mugabe allocated powerful ministries such as defence, finance and home affairs - which controls the police - to his Zanu-PF party.
