Medical tests on Pope satisfactory, says Vatican

Medical tests on Pope John Paul have given satisfactory results and the Pontiff is expected to stay in hospital for one week, …

Medical tests on Pope John Paul have given satisfactory results and the Pontiff is expected to stay in hospital for one week, Vatican spokesman Mr Joaquin Navarro-Valls said today.

"The Pope is well rested. He rested well all night and the laboratory tests that have been carried out have given satisfactory results," Mr Navarro-Valls told reporters after visiting the Pope in Rome's Gemelli hospital.

Asked when the Pope (84) would leave hospital, Mr Navarro-Valls said: "It will be up to the doctors to decide; however in my experience we're talking about seven days or a week."

The Pope spent a second night in hospital after emergency treatment for breathing problems after being admitted late on Tuesday night with an attack of laryngospasm, a blockage of air to the lungs.


Italian Prime Minister Mr Silvio Berlusconi told reporters: "I don't think I'll go and disturb him. We need to respect his convalescence which I think will only take two or three days."

State television even speculated that the Pontiff would be well enough to give his Sunday address, although more likely from hospital rather than his usually spot at a window overlooking St Peter's Square.

Catholics around the world prayed for the frail Pontiff who was suffering from influenza in addition to the arthritis and Parkinson's disease - which have steadily reduced his mobility and ability to speak clearly in recent years.

The Pope was last seen in public at his Vatican window addressing pilgrims last Sunday, speaking in a croaky and unsteady voice.