Meetings on plan to end Garda dispute

PROPOSALS to resolve the long running bitter dispute between the Garda Representative Association (GRA) and the breakaway Garda…

PROPOSALS to resolve the long running bitter dispute between the Garda Representative Association (GRA) and the breakaway Garda Federation will be considered by officers of those organisations today and tomorrow, the High Court was told yesterday.

A resumed hearing of an action by three gardai seeking to quash decisions of the GRA was adjourned when the court was told of progress in resolving a dispute.

Mr Justice Kelly adjourned the action until March 25th and said the claim by the three officers had its genesis in the unhappy dispute.

Gardai Patrick Bane, Frank Gunn and Donal O'Gallachoir have brought their action against the GRA and certain of its members. The defence denies the claims.


At the previous hearing, Mr Justice Kelly was told the three men wanted the court to quash the decisions of a disciplinary committee of the GRA.

Mr Peter Charleton SC, for the GRA, said certain draft heads of agreement would be considered by the organisation's committee tomorrow and if accepted would then be put to the membership. He asked for an adjournment.

Following discussions between the parties, Mr Feichin McDonagh, counsel for the three gardai, said his clients were consenting to the application for an adjournment.

Mr McDonagh said the Garda Federation would be meeting today. He understood the mediator in the talks between the parties planned to hold a ballot, independent of the Garda organisations.