
April is the time for intensive action in the garden, and anyone who wants to start off on the right foot should consider a gardening…

April is the time for intensive action in the garden, and anyone who wants to start off on the right foot should consider a gardening course at the inspirational Organic Centre, in Rossinver, Co Leitrim. On April 25th the centre holds a one-day course on "Starting an Organic Kitchen Garden", which promises all the information necessary to begin growing healthy vegetables at home.

It will explore planning, ground preparation, rotations and soil fertility, as well as composting and plant varieties.

Then, on May 2nd, Rod Alston of Eden Plants will direct a beginner's course on growing and using fresh herbs. Along with Rod, Gaby Wieland will explore the use of herbs, including how to prepare herb teas, salads, and basic medicinal tinctures and ointments.

And if the course on April 25th has you fired with enthusiasm, then you may well consider a return visit on May 16th, for a day spent "Developing an Organic Kitchen Garden". This looks at both managing an existing kitchen garden and converting a garden to an organic system, and includes a practical session in the centre's gardens.


If the idea of having an organic kitchen garden is merely a dream, due to lack of space at your flat, apartment or house, then an afternoon course on "Container Gardening", on May 20th may well be just the ticket. The course is aimed at showing you how to start growing flowers, fruit or herbs. The kitchen garden courses cost £40 and £45 respectively, the herb day costs £45 and the container gardening afternoon £20.

Full details of booking and de- posits from Ed Henderson at the Organic Centre, tel/fax: 072- 54338.