Men charged with illegally moving cattle

Three Co Monaghan Border farmers were further remanded on bail at Castleblayney District Court yesterday where they faced a total…

Three Co Monaghan Border farmers were further remanded on bail at Castleblayney District Court yesterday where they faced a total of 115 charges over the alleged illegal movement of livestock.

The charges against the three were brought by the Minister for Agriculture under the department's Bovine Regulations and the Bovine TB/Brucellosis Order 1991.

William Cranston, Skerrymore, Drumacrib, Castleblayney, was charged with contravening the regulations in relation to a number of cattle which were allegedly moved between July 15th, 2002 and February 19th, 2003.

Aiden McCooey, Drumacreevy, Castleblayney and Patsy McCooey, Drumalish, Castleblayney, faced similar charges over the alleged illegal movement of livestock between May 28th, 2002 and August 2nd, 2003.


Charges were also brought against the three in respect of alleged failure to keep proper livestock herd records.

Judge Tom Fitzpatrick granted an application by the defence, consented to by the prosecution, for an adjournment to a further sitting of the court at Castleblayney on April 5th.

A defence lawyer told an earlier hearing that a number of witnesses from a livestock mart in the south of Ireland would need to be called for the three men's trial.