Mental health conference

How genes can affect mental health is the theme of a special public information session to be held on October 9th at Trinity …

How genes can affect mental health is the theme of a special public information session to be held on October 9th at Trinity College Dublin.

Specialists on the subject will present easily understood explanatory talks during this free public meeting.

It coincides with the XIIth World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics taking place in Dublin from October 9th to 13th. Organisers of the Congress have joined with the Health Research Board and The Irish Times to stage the information session, which takes place from 10a.m.-12.45p.m. in the MacNeill Theatre, Hamilton Building on the Trinity Campus.

Speakers will address disorders such as autism, Parkinson's disease and other diseases can be linked to genes that now work properly.


Admission is free but must be pre-booked, tel: 1550-114709 or 0906-6040249 (from Northern Ireland). Calls cost 90 cent per minute. Calls from mobiles may be more expensive.