MEP wants inquiry into Prague death continued

A Fine Gael MEP is to ask the European Commission to ensure that investigations are continued into the death in Prague last weekend…

A Fine Gael MEP is to ask the European Commission to ensure that investigations are continued into the death in Prague last weekend of a member of Macra na Feirme.

The body of Mr Michael O'Leary (23), from Callan, Co Kilkenny, was found on a park bench in Prague last Sunday. He had been on a night out with other members of Macra during a visit to the Czech Republic.

Ms Avril Doyle MEP said there was little doubt that the drinks of Mr O'Leary and another group member, Mr Padraic McNally, had been "spiked". Mr McNally was unconscious when he was found close to Mr O'Leary's body. Both men had been robbed.

There were indications, she claimed, that the Czech authorities were more concerned about protecting the reputation of the tourist industry than finding out what happened to Mr O'Leary and "ensuring that whoever is responsible for his death is brought to justice".


Czech police say they are keeping an open mind on the death until tests are completed.

Mr O'Leary, who is survived by his parents and three sisters, will be buried in Callan today.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times