Metal strips in woman's body

Liverpool - A holidaymaker from Birkdale, Merseyside, who died in Corfu, had what were probably metal strips inside her body …

Liverpool - A holidaymaker from Birkdale, Merseyside, who died in Corfu, had what were probably metal strips inside her body at least two years ago, it was disclosed yesterday.

Ms Karen Murray (19) collapsed on the Greek island last week complaining of stomach pains. Doctors there claimed equipment and swabs from a previous operation were found in her body.

Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, where she had major bowel surgery eight years ago, said yesterday her medical records showed that all the swabs used in the operation were removed, counted and checked.

But the mystery over her death deepened when the hospital disclosed that X-rays taken at another hospital six years later had shown the presence of the strips.


Doctors in Corfu said a postmortem examination had found surgical gauze and a number of plastic medical clips in her abdomen.

A second post-mortem carried out by a Home Office pathologist, Dr Edmund Tapp, failed to establish the cause of death.