Microsoft search engine takes on Google

Microsoft will go head-to-head with the likes of Google from today after the computer software giant unveiled a rival Internet…

Microsoft will go head-to-head with the likes of Google from today after the computer software giant unveiled a rival Internet search tool.

Google, the world's most popular search engine, has built up a huge global following thanks to its easy-to-use service.

But Microsoft is now hoping to clinch a large slice of the lucrative market with the arrival of its new MSN Search facility. The tool, which goes live in 24 countries and 10 languages today, is designed to give better search options and more relevant results.

A key feature allows users to ask specific questions such as "What is the capital of Peru?" and "What is the largest ocean in the world?" The answers are provided by an online version of Microsoft's Encarta encyclopaedia, which has more than 1.4 million entries.


The new search engine is also billed as providing the most up-to-date information by refreshing its list of around five billion websites every two days compared with every two weeks in other cases.

Microsoft is making its money from MSN Search in a similar way to Google - through "sponsored links". These appear at the top of the screen or down the side and relate to the search made.

Paul Douglas, editor of the Internet magazine .net, said: "It is always good for users to have a choice of search engines but Google is still the name that most people know today."

In a statement, Google said: "It's nice to see that they have recognised the importance of quality search as well.

"We welcome all advancements in search technology because it's the users who ultimately win. We believe that competition is good for consumers. There is room for a number of companies to succeed in this space."