Minister Cowen pledges 'generous' Budget

The Minister for Finance has promised to introduce a Budget that will be "generous" towards social commitments including disabilities…

The Minister for Finance has promised to introduce a Budget that will be "generous" towards social commitments including disabilities and medical card provision.

Mr Brian Cowen, who delivers his first budget next month, said the Government fully intended to implement policies and priorities agreed with social partners by means of a multi-annual package.

"We've given a commitment on disabilities," he said. "I will come forward in the Budget with a full picture on the multi-annual efforts we're going to make to improve the lot of those with disabilities in addition to the €2.5 billion we're presently spending in that whole general disabilities area".

"It will be the first of three Budgets in which we will seek to meet those commitments," he told RTÉ radio. "And I am very anxious to look at those areas and issues as generously as I possibly can."


Mr Cowen rejected criticisms that the Government was not living up to the "caring, sharing" image it has been at pains to convey.

"Look at the facts - the average industrial wage in this country has gone up €10,000 since we came into office in 1997. The tax paid on this is €250 less," he said. "That's improvement. We are implementing priorities which were agreed at social partnership level."

Mr Cowen said he had also discussed the issue of medical cards with Ms Harney. "The Minister for Health, the Tánaiste has mentioned since taking office that that's a priority she'd like to deal with and I'm sure that's a matter she'll comment upon once the estimates are issued."

The Budget 2005 Estimates will be published on Thursday. Mr Cowen said he thought the Estimates process had gone well and had been based on constructive debate from all ministers and departments.