Minister to examine filming bond proposal

The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, Ms de Valera, undertook to examine a proposal that film-making companies…

The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, Ms de Valera, undertook to examine a proposal that film-making companies being funded by the Film Board should have to enter a bond to protect local service providers against possible losses. The need for such a bonding arrangement was voiced by Mr Paschal Moo- ney (FF). Ms de Valera said she knew of one case where a number of people had been at a loss because the making of a film had not been continued. While this problem did not come within the terms of the Irish Film Board (Amendment) Bill, she would check on what steps could be taken.

The Bill, which doubles the amount which the Irish Film Board can advance in loans, was passed.