Minister wants review of powers

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform is to ask the Government to review its powers of internment.

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform is to ask the Government to review its powers of internment.

In a written reply to Ms Liz McManus (DL, Wicklow) and Mr John Gormley (Green Party, Dublin South East) he said the Government had already welcomed the intention of the British government to repeal section 36 of the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1996, which would remove the provision for detention (internment) in the North.

The paramilitary ceasefires, and developments in the peace process, created an opportunity to review the provisions of certain legislation in this jurisdiction, he added.

"Accordingly, it is my intention to bring proposals to Government shortly with a view to initiating a wide-ranging review of legislation in the area of offences against the State, including, in particular, the issue of internment," he added.