Mischief on UCC campus

University College Cork takes itself seriously, and with some justification given its record and teaching history

University College Cork takes itself seriously, and with some justification given its record and teaching history. Hence there were raised eyebrows when a press release was circulated casting doubt on UCC's ability to organise a conference.

"Scoop! Scoop! Scoop!" the press release said. It went on: "International congress in UCC in Celtic Studies being organised from Dublin - no organisational expertise available in UCC??? - where have all the rebels gone??? - single tickets to Dublin??? - shame, shame, UCC."

Now this is the sort of grudge match that All-Ireland finals are made of. In fact, the 11th International Congress of Celtic Studies got under way in Cork in good organisational order.

The communication I received purported to come from Incentive Conference Ireland, based in Pembroke Place, Ballsbridge, Dublin. It was signed by Ms Noreen Duffy and the "scoop, scoop, scoop" bit was attached to it by staple. The company organises accommodation and travel to delegate conferences etc.


However, when I contacted Ms Duffy, she was flabbergasted. She knew nothing about why or how I had come to receive the letter or its enclosures. She certainly had not sent it. The people in UCC denied all knowledge of it. They thought a mischief maker might have been at work.