Mitchell advised VHI

THE Voluntary Health Insurance Board engaged a senior Fine Gael TD, Mr Jim Mitchell, to advise it on the best way to retain the…

THE Voluntary Health Insurance Board engaged a senior Fine Gael TD, Mr Jim Mitchell, to advise it on the best way to retain the community rating in private health insurance.

The Minister for Health, Mr Noonan, said last night that Mr Mitchell advised the VHI for a three week period from December 10th last year until December 31st.

In a written reply to the deputy leader of Fianna Fail, Ms Mary O'Rourke, the Minister said that Mr Mitchell wrote to the VHI on January 3rd this year and said that "as the retention of community rating was of major concern to and directly affected many of his constituents, he would not be making any request for payment".

Ms O'Rourke, in a written question, had asked the Minister to find out from the YHI if any member of the Oireachtas was retained by them on a paid basis as a consultant or lobbyist.


The Minister's reply continued. "He [Mr Mitchell] suggested that instead a contribution might be given to the Irish Youth Foundation. On January 9th, 1997, a cheque was issued by, the YHI to this organisation.