Mitchell says US role in North up to governments

PRESIDENT Clinton wanted very much to help the peace process, Senator George Mitchell said last night, but the US administration…

PRESIDENT Clinton wanted very much to help the peace process, Senator George Mitchell said last night, but the US administration would not intrude upon decisions that were properly the role of the governments and other parties.

The chairman of the decommissioning body was speaking to journalists following a 75 minute meeting with the three Government leaders and the Minister for Justice, Ms Owen, at Government Buildings.

It is understood a formal role for Senator Mitchell in reactivating the peace process was ruled out by both sides at this stage.

Senator Mitchell said the US administration strongly supported and encouraged the efforts being made by the British and Irish governments to move the process forward, to achieve a specific date for all party negotiations and to seek a restoration of the ceasefire.


"I am not an envoy, not a mediator," Senator Mitchell said in an attempt to explain his current role. He had made clear to Mr Bruton, and would inform Mr Major today, that any action or participation by himself or any other involvement by the US administration would be a decision of the two governments. The US administration would abide by their decision in this respect.

Asked if he was surprised by the ending of the ceasefire and if it could be restored, Senator Mitchell said he believed it could be restored. He had no specific knowledge as to what would or would not occur and he shared the dismay and concern over its ending and the resumption of violence.

Asked whether US funds would be cut off from Sinn Fein, he said any decision made by the US government would be made by Mr Clinton at the appropriate time. "There is no matter pending before him for a decision now. It is, therefore, in my judgment, premature, speculative and not helpful to be attempting to answer hypothetical questions about questions that may arise in the future," he added.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011