Mitchell scholarship

Moves are currently underway to establish a George Mitchell scholarship at three Irish universities - UCD, Trinity and Queen'…

Moves are currently underway to establish a George Mitchell scholarship at three Irish universities - UCD, Trinity and Queen's - to honour the former US senator and chairman of the Northern peace talks. Trina Vargo, who six weeks ago left the employ of Senator Ted Kennedy after 11 years to work for the US/Ireland Alliance, was here this week setting up the operation which, she says, will be similar to the Rhodes scholarship between the US and Britain. It is hoped the best and the brightest will benefit and increase the affinity between the two countries.

Ms Vargo is seeking one placement for one student per year in each university and UCD and Trinity have already agreed to cover the costs of tuition, room and board. But administration, flights and a stipend all have to be met and her job is to raise the endowment, some £3 million for each scholarship. She hopes businesses will contribute to thank Mitchell and to build links between the two countries.