Mixed signals for McDowell on prisoner treatment

The Minster for Justice, Mr McDowell, was complimented today for proposing 21st-century technology in dealing with criminals …

The Minster for Justice, Mr McDowell, was complimented today for proposing 21st-century technology in dealing with criminals but he also came in for criticism for failing to raise prisons above 19th-century conditions.

In a speech to the Prison Officers Association (POA) annual conference today, Mr McDowell said he was satisfied that developments in technology meant that electronic tagging for offenders could be introduced as an alternative to incarceration.

While he did not indicate any definite plans, Fine Gael justice spokesman, Mr Jim O'Keeffe, welcomed the Minister's comments saying they supported his party's stated position.

Mr O'Keeffe said the Minister had been "lukewarm" on the idea in the past and was procrastinating over a decision. "But I am delighted he has finally come around to Fine Gael's way of thinking. However, I am concerned that despite this announcement the proposal may be long fingered," he said.


Mr McDowell attracted a more stinging criticism from Labour's Mr Joe Costello over the today's report by the Prison Visiting Committee which indicated serious overcrowding and unsanitary conditions in the State's prisons.

Mr Costelo the report was a "catalogue of Dickensian conditions".

He said: "Massive improvements and refurbishment must be carried out without delay on our prisons."

He said "slopping out" was unacceptable and such conditions would inevitable lead to violence.