MLAs call for better RUC reserve pensions

The Northern Ireland Assembly has unanimously backed a motion demanding improved retirement packages for former RUC part-time…

The Northern Ireland Assembly has unanimously backed a motion demanding improved retirement packages for former RUC part-time reservists.

During the debate, unionist MLAs accused the British government of neglecting reservists by not putting in place a comprehensive pension scheme. Tabling the motion, a UUP MLA, Mr Derek Hussey, said the RUC part-time reserve had been discriminated against in comparison to their full-time colleagues.

"While the British government had introduced a stakeholder scheme for part-time members, it was unwilling to pay any contributions towards it, unlike in the case of full-time officers," Mr Hussey said. "This is unjustified, illegitimate and causes immense pain."

Echoing his sentiments, the DUP's Mr Ian Paisley jnr said it was vital for the Assembly to state categorically that the current arrangements would not be tolerated. Part-time reservists had been treated with contempt, he added.


An SDLP MLA and member of the police board, Mr Alex Attwood, warned that any new pension arrangements should not delay recruitment into the new Police Service of Northern Ireland.

In other business, MLAs unanimously backed a motion calling for a harmonisation of health-sector qualifications North and South to ease pressure on hospitals in both jurisdictions. Proposing the motion, Sinn FΘin's Ms Sue Ramsey said mutual recognition of qualifications would allow for greater flexibility in the movement of health-sector workers.

Several MLAs suggested that harmonisation of qualifications should not only occur on an all-Ireland basis but on a Europe-wide scale.