More flights to UK from Shannon

Passenger seats out of Shannon to the UK will increase by more than 80,000 this year as a result of an AB Airlines and Aer Lingus…

Passenger seats out of Shannon to the UK will increase by more than 80,000 this year as a result of an AB Airlines and Aer Lingus "codesharing" service linking Shannon with Birmingham and Stansted Airport north of London. The service began yesterday. Operated by low-cost AB Airlines, the flights offer business and economy class service. This coincides with the 40th anniversary of IATA agreeing in April 1958 to economy class travel.

Mr Brian Beal, executive chairman of AB Airlines, said it was the firm's first "codeshare" and came within three weeks of being only the second airline after BA to be listed on the stock exchange. Mr Tom McInerney, general manager of Aer Lingus at Shannon, said the service demonstrated the company's commitment to Shannon.