More jobs to be lost in house building in North

CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES have warned of further significant job losses in the sector due to the credit crisis and the downturn …

CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES have warned of further significant job losses in the sector due to the credit crisis and the downturn in the economy.

The Construction Employers Federation (CEF) warned that some 4,000 jobs have already been lost in Northern Ireland with a further 4,000 to 5,000 looking vulnerable next year if conditions do not improve.

The federation is the only certified employers' organisation in the sector and is broadly based with more than 1,300 concerns representing more than 70 per cent of the industry locally.

A survey of construction companies carried out by the CEF cited both the downturn in house building as well as the prospect of reduced infrastructure schemes commissioned by the state sector.


John Armstrong, the CEF's managing director, said the situation was at crisis point.

"Our survey shows that thousands of jobs have been lost, more are under threat and that the industry is planning to cut back on recruitment of apprentices, which will impact on the industry even further when recovery comes," he said.

"We urge the Executive to formulate a programme to encourage first-time buyers, stimulate socially-affordable housing projects and accelerate procurement of ISNI (Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland) projects.

He added: "This sector has been a major driver of growth over the past decade. To let it collapse now would take a generation to recover.

"The magnitude of the slowdown and job losses in house building will impact on the industry's supply chain," he said.