More time for tenants urged

To ensure security of tenure, the existing notice-to-quit period of four weeks for private tenants should be lengthened and relate…

To ensure security of tenure, the existing notice-to-quit period of four weeks for private tenants should be lengthened and relate to the length of time a tenant has been renting the property, according to a report issued yesterday.

Given the current situation where a landlord can give notice to quit without reason, the report proposes that a notice to quit should only be permissible under specific circumstances, such as when a landlord wants to sell or occupy a property.

Details of the report were discussed at Threshold's conference in Dublin on the theme "Private Rented Sector - Vision for the Future". The Threshold-commissioned report, The Private Rented Sector In The 21st Century - Policy Choices was compiled by Mr Anthony McCashin, of Trinity College Dublin.