More US pressure applied

The US yesterday continued to apply pressure on the Palestinian Authority's President Yasser Arafat with the White House spokesman…

The US yesterday continued to apply pressure on the Palestinian Authority's President Yasser Arafat with the White House spokesman, Mr Ari Fleischer, saying President Bush still believes he "can do much more than he has".

Mr Bush remains concerned that Palestinian jails "have bars on the front and revolving doors at the back", Mr Fleischer said.

Although he acknowledged "some progress", Mr Fleischer said Mr Arafat still had to ensure that those arrested remained in detention. He emphasised, however, that the Palestinians should not see the US as hostile. It was, after all, Mr Bush who had spoken in the UN recently of his support for a Palestinian state, Mr Fleischer said.

Speaking in Brussels at NATO headquarters, the Secretary of State, Mr Colin Powell, said that the Palestinian leader must do more to rein in extremists despite violent protests.


"The very fact that they are resisting [Mr Arafat's] authority makes it all the more important for him to apply that authority," Mr Powell insisted.

Reuters adds: France urged Mr Arafat yesterday to take steps to end violence by Islamic militants and reiterated that his Palestinian Authority was the only viable negotiating partner for Israel.

"It is vital that the Palestinian Authority take all necessary measures immediately to quell the kamikaze violence and terrorism," a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Paris. "It is essential that the dialogue restarts and that the Israeli authorities recognise that their negotiating partner can only be the Palestinian Authority."

He added France's support for the peace mission undertaken by the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mr Ahmed Maher.

Patrick Smyth

Patrick Smyth

Patrick Smyth is former Europe editor of The Irish Times