Motorists support lower alcohol limit

More than 60 per cent of Irish motorists are in favour of reducing the drink-driving limit according to a new survey by the AA…

More than 60 per cent of Irish motorists are in favour of reducing the drink-driving limit according to a new survey by the AA.

According to responses collected from 7,000 Irish motorists over the October bank holiday weekend, 63.9 per cent are in favour of reducing the alcohol limit to 50 mgs, an increase of almost 3 per cent on the approval rate when a similar poll was conducted last year.

Support for reduced drink-driving limits is strongest in Dublin, where there is a 66.3 per cent approval rate, and is weakest in Cork where there is 58.1 per cent approval.

The data also show that support was strongest among females (71.5 per cent overall) and among over 65s (67.5 per cent).


“Any way you slice it, it is abundantly clear that Irish motorists understand the drink driving issue and want to see the limit lowered into line with limits elsewhere in Europe and beyond,” director of policy Conor Faughnan said.