Motorists to get say on metric changeover

Drivers are to have their say on changes to speed limits on Ireland's roads.

Drivers are to have their say on changes to speed limits on Ireland's roads.

Local authorities are to offer a 30-day public consultation period before new limits can be imposed on motorways, regional and local roads as part of the Government's move to metric.

Gardaí and the National Roads Authority will also be asked for input on any changes in a bid to improve driver safety. The metric changeover, on January 20th next year, will see speed limits and distances displayed in kilometres, bringing consistency to signs on the country's roads.

Mr Brian Farrell, National Safety Council (NSC) spokesman, said the consultation process would ensure any changes were open to debate.


"Local authorities will have to hold a mandatory consultation with the public before imposing changes. This will bring transparency and clarity to any changes and it also provides people an opportunity to have an input," he said.

The €2.5 million metric changeover would allow officials to place one limit on the outer lanes and a different one on the inner lane.

The switch will also see motorists confronted with two sets of signs, metric and mileage, for a number of days before and after the changeover begins on January 20th.

An information website - - also shows the new converted speeds.