Motorists warned on breath tests and speeding

DUBLIN MOTORISTS have been warned to expect alcohol breath tests and speed checkpoints as the Garda yesterday began its Christmas…

DUBLIN MOTORISTS have been warned to expect alcohol breath tests and speed checkpoints as the Garda yesterday began its Christmas enforcement campaign.

The aim of the operation is to reduce drink- and drug-driving and speeding as well as to challenge bad driving behaviour by motorists. Gardaí said checkpoints would be supported by overt and covert patrols. They advised motorists to observe speed limits, to never drink and drive and always to wear a seat-belt.

Meanwhile, some 166 student gardaí have been assigned to the Dublin region to assist with Operation Freeflow, which begins on Sunday.

Gardaí are asking people to use public transport where possible, to avoid illegal parking and not to block yellow-box junctions.