Move to change NI rules for British Labour party

Delegates at this year's British Labour Party Conference are to be asked to decide if a ban on Northern Ireland members should…

Delegates at this year's British Labour Party Conference are to be asked to decide if a ban on Northern Ireland members should remain.

After a National Executive Committee meeting, a party spokesman confirmed thatthe proposed rule change which could pave the way for Labour contestingelections in Northern Ireland would be recommended.

He said: "The National Executive Committee has agreed in principle that partyrules will be changed at this year's annual conference in order to allowresidents of Northern Ireland to join the party.

"The final decision on the precise wording of the potential rule change willbe agreed at September's NEC meeting.


"The Labour Party remains committed to non-discriminatory practices in allour activities."

Today's move came ahead of a court case on November 11th being mounted byBelfast trade unionist Mr Andy McGivern.

The shop steward has taken the party to the County Court in London on thegrounds that the ban on Northern Ireland members is racist.