Moving experience

After less than two years in his post, the No 2 at the British embassy, Richard Clarke is leaving Dublin for a big job at the…

After less than two years in his post, the No 2 at the British embassy, Richard Clarke is leaving Dublin for a big job at the Foreign Office in Whitehall. Having been at the side of ambassador Veronica Sutherland as the Belfast Agreement was negotiated, he goes to London as head of policy planning. His post here is not expected to be filled until the autumn.

Clarke, who got only a couple of weeks' notice of his move, is an enthusiastic soccer fan and such a dedicated Leicester City supporter that he edits the club's fanzine and has even applied to fill the vacancy as chairman, citing his diplomatic experience. He combined a farewell for friends with a viewing of the World Cup's opening matches, in a city hostelry on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, moves among the Irish diplomatic corps continue to be confirmed. In addition to those reported a fortnight ago, Quidnunc now knows that Hugh Swift is going to South Africa from Cairo, Peter Gunning goes to Egypt, Padraig Murphy leaves Bonn for Madrid and Brendan McMahon moves from Lagos to the OSCE in Vienna.