Mowlam says Bloody Sunday blame shared

The Northern Secretary has said all sides should take responsibility for their part in the 1972 killing of 14 unarmed nationalists…

The Northern Secretary has said all sides should take responsibility for their part in the 1972 killing of 14 unarmed nationalists on Bloody Sunday. "We all should take responsibility . . . across the board," Dr Mo Mowlam told a breakfast meeting of the Irish-American Partnership in Boston. "I have no difficulty with the concept. I just want to do it in a way that actually works."

There have been hints the British government may apologise for the killings. On January 30th, 1972, British paratroopers shot dead 13 Catholic men - another died several months later - during a civil rights demonstration in Derry.

Dr Mowlam is on a five-day visit to the US seeking support for the peace process.