Moyross arson inquiry going well, say gardai

Gardaí in Limerick have praised the public's response to their investigation into the arson attack in which a young brother and…

Gardaí in Limerick have praised the public's response to their investigation into the arson attack in which a young brother and sister sustained serious burns in the Moyross area of the city last Sunday.

Up to 40 gardaí are involved in the inquiry into the attack in Pineview Gardens in which six-year-old Millie McNamara and her four-year-old brother, Gavin, suffered critical injuries.

The two children were in their mother's parked car when it burst into flames as she prepared to drive away from a friend's house.

They suffered severe burns before they were pulled to safety by their mother and other people. Gardaí believe the car was set on fire deliberately.


Supt Gerry Mahon yesterday praised the response from residents in Moyross following Garda appeals for information.

"We've had a fantastic response from members of the public and I have to compliment local residents for all the co-operation that we have received."

Two teenagers were still in custody last night at Mayorstone Garda station in Limerick as the inquiry continued.

The 17-year-old youths were held under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act. They can be detained for up to 72 hours without charge. Both were arrested after they presented themselves at the Garda station on Tuesday at 8.30pm.

Garda sources have expressed satisfaction with the progress of the inquiry.

Millie and Gavin remained in critical condition yesterday at Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin, Dublin.

Hospital authorities have indicated that the family have asked for their privacy to be respected, adding that regular updates on the children's condition would not be issued.

The children's mother, Sheila Murray, has told gardaí she believes her car was set on fire by teenagers she had earlier refused to give a lift to.

Meanwhile, Moyross residents have united in their condemnation of last Sunday's arson attack and have appealed for calm in the north side estate.

In a statement, Moyross Partners - an umbrella group for several community organisations in the area - said prayers were being offered for Millie and Gavin's recovery.

"We condemn unreservedly all acts of violence and intimidation in our community.

"We want to encourage people in the community to co-operate with the gardaí to help bring those responsible to justice. We also appeal to everyone to remain calm and to act responsibly."

The statement added that it was important all groups and agencies in Moyross pulled together to support the residents and to make the community a safer place for everyone.