MP for Dumbarton is new NIO minister

A Scottish MP was last night named by the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, as the new Health and Education Minister at …

A Scottish MP was last night named by the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, as the new Health and Education Minister at the Northern Ireland Office.

Mr John McFaul (53), who has been the MP for Dumbarton for the past 11 years, will replace Mr Tony Worthington (56). He has been a government whip since Labour came to power last year and was a spokesman on Scottish affairs in opposition.

Before becoming an MP, he was a secondary school teacher for 15 years, and has been a vocal antiabortion campaigner.

There was widespread surprise yesterday at the removal of Mr Worthington months before he was due to hand over his responsibilities to the new Northern Assembly in February. As a minister, he was seen as popular and competent.


The deputy leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, Mr John Taylor, said he was shocked at the removal of an excellent minister.

Mr Worthington said he was disappointed at losing his job and believed his age might have been a factor.

The Northern Secretary, Dr Mo Mowlam, paid tribute to Mr Worthington, although there has been speculation that there was tension between them. "He was a very valued member of my team and his commitment and energy have played a key role in the overall work of the NIO. Politics is a hard game and it has its casualties. I'm sorry that Tony is one of them. But the Prime Minister had some tough decisions to make."

Mr Tom McKee, of the NASUWT, the largest teachers' union in the North, said he was astounded by the decision. "We were always impressed by his ministerial competence."

Ms Patricia McKeown, of the health union Unison, was critical of Mr Worthington's role in implementing cutbacks in the health service.