Mugabe offers to talk to MDC after election win

ZIMBABWE: ROBERT MUGABE said yesterday he was open to talks with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) on the …

ZIMBABWE:ROBERT MUGABE said yesterday he was open to talks with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) on the eve of a presidential election derided as "bloody daylight robbery" by his opponents.

"Should we emerge victorious, which I believe we will, sure we won't be arrogant. We will be magnanimous and say 'let's sit down and talk', and talk we shall," Mr Mugabe told his last campaign rally near Harare. "So there it is, let the MDC reject it or accept it. We will continue to rule this country in the way we believe it should be ruled. This is an African country with responsible leaders."

But any approach will be met with suspicion by the MDC, which has accused Mr Mugabe of a violent assault on its party structures and support in order to negotiate from a position of overwhelming strength.

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has given conflicting signals on the question of negotiations, saying that he will not talk to Mr Mugabe as president after today's election because he will not have been legitimately elected. But Mr Tsvangirai has at the same time called for a political agreement with Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF to form a transitional government until fresh elections can be held.


Zimbabwe's deputy information minister, Bright Matonga, said Mr Mugabe's words did not indicate he was softening his attitude towards an opposition party he has derided as imperialist stooges and said would never be allowed to govern Zimbabwe.

"What the president is saying to the MDC is, 'You are Zimbabweans. We want you to be part of this. We are willing to talk to you but let's finish this first,' " said Mr Matonga.

The opposition is counting on the election weakening Mr Mugabe's authority as a growing number of countries, including African nations, reject the vote before the result is even in.

Botswana, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya have dismissed the poll as a sham. The Southern African Development Community has called for it to be postponed and election monitors for the African Union (AU) in Zimbabwe have said they will not endorse the vote as free and fair.

But Mr Mugabe again rejected last-minute calls for the election to be called off, saying it was a matter of national sovereignty. "We have some of our brothers in Africa making that call [to postpone the vote], pushing us to violate our own law and we have refused to do so. We are sticking to our law," he told an election rally in Chitungwiza township in Harare, which was an MDC stronghold.

The opposition no longer dares campaign there after it was taken over by militia from the Zanu-PF party who have carried out a campaign of beatings and destroyed the homes of opposition activists. Several people have also been murdered in Chitungwiza in the political assault on the opposition.

However, yesterday, the police accused the MDC of responsibility for the violence, saying it was part of a plot by Britain, the US and foreign organisations to disrupt the vote.

Assistant police commissioner Faustino Mazango said: "It is evident that the opposition MDC has plans to disrupt the election. These counter-productive criminal activities will be met head-on and with the full force of the law."

Mr Mugabe also said he intends to face down his critics on the continent after the election by attending an AU summit in Egypt next week.

"I will be going there in Egypt and I understand there are some people who are daring themselves for an antagony with Zimbabwe," Mr Mugabe told the political rally.

"I know some people are gearing themselves for an attack on Zimbabwe. I want to see any country which will raise its finger in the AU. Our elections have been free."

Zimbabwe's information minister, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, dismissed criticism from Nelson Mandela, who condemned a "tragic failure of leadership" in Zimbabwe in a speech in Britain.

Mr Ndlovu said the South African statesman had only made the comments under pressure from the West.

MDC secretary-general Tendai Biti was finally granted bail yesterday, a fortnight after being arrested on charges of treason - which carries the death penalty - and insulting the president.

- (Guardian service)