Mugabe threatens clampdown on opposition

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe threatened today to crack down mercilessly on opponents he said were trying to topple him …

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe threatened today to crack down mercilessly on opponents he said were trying to topple him through violent protests.

"I want to warn them that they are playing with fire," Mr Mugabe told thousands at a sports stadium in a speech marking Zimbabwe's 26 years of independence, all of it under his rule.

It was Mr Mugabe's second warning since his main opponent, Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), called last month for street protests to end his long rule.

Zimbabwe is battling its worst economic downturn since independence from Britain, worsened by the world's highest inflation rate, unemployment above 70 per cent and shortages of fuel, food and foreign currency.


Mr Mugabe (82) departed from his prepared text to deliver his warning, speaking in both English and the local Shona.

"Anyone . . . who dares lead any group of persons to embark on a campaign of violence . . . will be inviting the full wrath of the law to descend mercilessly on him or those who follow him," he said.

Political analysts say the government is concerned that Mr Tsvangirai's call could be heeded by Zimbabweans, many of whom are increasingly unable to cope with a crumbling economy.

Mr Tsvangirai last month threatened to lead a campaign of peaceful mass protests, prompting a warning from Mr Mugabe that he would be "dicing with death".

"There are those who dream governing this country. I want to tell them that dreams are only dreams, they should end at home," Mr Mugabe said to cheers from the crowd.

Mr Mugabe revised down the economic outlook, putting growth at between 1 and 2 per cent on the back of officially projected growth of 9 per cent in the key agriculture sector.

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