Murder trial hears of assault by accused

An eye-witness told the Central Criminal Court today a man accused of murder "belting" and "thumping" a man in chest in the stairway…

An eye-witness told the Central Criminal Court today a man accused of murder "belting" and "thumping" a man in chest in the stairway of his house.

Mr Tom Nugent (63) was giving evidence at the murder trial of Mr Patrick McGrath (60) of Holborn St, Sligo, who has pleaded not guilty to the murder of Mr James Murphy (50) at Holborn St, Sligo on March 22nd, 2002.

Mr Nugent and the accused, Mr McGrath, lived in flats inside a house on Holborn St, Sligo at the time of Mr Murphy's death. Mr Nugent told Mr Edward Comyn SC, prosecuting, that the deceased and the accused were "good friends" at the time and that the victim, Mr Murphy, was a close neighbour.

Mr Nugent told Mr Comyn that on the morning of the alleged murder he was cooking in the kitchen around midday when he "heard a vicious banging at the front door". "Mr Murphy was at the door, he was looking for P.J. McGrath. I think he had a good bit of drink taken" he said.


He told the court that Mr McGrath returned home around midday and Mr Murphy began "roaring and shouting that he'd kill P.J. and P.J called him into his room".

When Mr Nugent went into the downstairs kitchen, he heard another commotion on the stairs: "The next thing I heard was P.J. coming down the stairs. When I came to the door he had Mr Murphy up against the

wall and was belting him in the stomach" he said.

Mr McGrath went upstairs and later told Mr McGrath "he was after stabbing Mr Murphy".