Murphy appeal to be heard this morning

Timmy Murphy will have his appeal against a seven-day ban heard at the Jockey Club this morning.

Timmy Murphy will have his appeal against a seven-day ban heard at the Jockey Club this morning.

Murphy is due to appear before the disciplinary panel at 10.30 a.m. as he tries to overturn the suspension which would rule him out of a number of a high-profile rides over the Christmas period.

The rider was suspended by the Plumpton stewards on December 13th after being found guilty of improper riding on Semi Precious.

Murphy's mount crashed out at the fourth-last fence and the rider reacted by throwing his whip at the horse once he was back on his feet.


The ban is due to start on St Stephen's Day and will rule Murphy out until New Year's Day, meaning he will miss the ride on Therealbandit in the King George VI Chase as well as a ride in Tuesday's Coral Welsh National.