Murphy appeals for 'extensive' costs

An application for costs, described as very extensive, was made yesterday at the tribunal by lawyers for Mr Joseph Murphy jnr…

An application for costs, described as very extensive, was made yesterday at the tribunal by lawyers for Mr Joseph Murphy jnr and his companies.

Mr Murphy was involved in the module relating to Mr James Gogarty's testimony of a corrupt payment by a Murphy company, JMSE, of £30,000 to former minister Mr Ray Burke.

Yesterday, Mr Michael Cush SC, for Mr Murphy and the companies, said Mr Murphy's costs were certainly very extensive and substantial although there was no estimate.

The costs arose from attendance by the legal team at the tribunal over 180 days.


His clients had been in a position to assist the tribunal in some respects, particularly in the area of massive discovery of documents carried out by a team headed by a senior counsel and solicitors over a total of 73 days.

The adverse finding that Mr Murphy was at the meeting with Mr Burke and consequently knew of the payment to Mr Burke was a flawed finding, Mr Cush claimed.

Taking all these elements, he said that a significant proportion of the costs should be awarded in favour of Mr Murphy.

The chairman, Judge Alan Mahon, said he hoped to give his ruling next month.