Musharraf lifts emergency rule in Pakistan

President Pervez Musharraf lifted emergency rule in Pakistan and restored the constitution today, in a move designed to stabilise…

President Pervez Musharraf lifted emergency rule in Pakistan and restored the constitution today, in a move designed to stabilise the nuclear-armed state as Islamic militant violence spirals.

But critics say curbs on the media and a purged judiciary will remain in place and Mr Musharraf can still manipulate a January 8th general election victory for his parliamentary allies and secure a power base despite his unpopularity.

"We consider the lifting of the state of emergency an important step forward," opposition leader and former prime minister Benazir Bhutto told reporters in the southwestern city of Quetta soon after the end of the emergency was announced.

"But more needs to be done for the restoration of democracy."


Citing militant violence and a meddling judiciary, Mr Musharraf imposed the emergency on November 3rd, suspended the constitution and purged the Supreme Court to fend off challenges to his re-election, which new hand-picked judges later rubber-stamped.

But he faced international condemnation for his actions, with Western countries worried he would only further polarise Pakistan and leave a vacuum that Islamic militants fighting an insurgency near the border with Afghanistan could fill.

Two soldiers and three civilians were killed near a Pakistani army camp by a suicide bomber on a bicycle today, underscoring a growing number of insurgent attacks this year in which hundreds of people have been killed.

Mr Musharraf, who will address the nation on TV and radio later tonight, took fresh oaths of office from the Supreme Court judges appointed after he imposed the emergency.

Mr Musharraf also issued a decree protecting him from legal challenges over his actions during the emergency, something previous military rulers in Pakistan have done.