Musharraf security files found on London street

An investigation as to how confidential files about the visit of Pakistan's president to Britain came to be found on a London…

An investigation as to how confidential files about the visit of Pakistan's president to Britain came to be found on a London street is under way this morning.

The dossier on General Pervez Musharraf's visit was discovered by a member of the public and handed into the Mirrornewspaper, which said it revealed security arrangements for the president.

Details apparently included confidential police radio channels, call signs and codes, and another section explained how to identify armed plain clothes police officers.

Scotland Yard said the policing operation had been reviewed, and said that its Directorate of Professional Standards was investigating.


A police spokesman insisted that the documents did not cover President Musharraf's protection arrangements or compromise his security.

Former senior police officer John Stalker said: "This is a terrible security gaffe. If terrorists had got hold of this it would have been a death warrant not only for Musharraf but for the British hosting him."

It's astonishing the keeper of these absolutely sensitive documents could be so blasé not to look after them properly."

President Musharraf is in London for talks with British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair.