Music shop 'bans' Adele songs

IT USED to be guitar shops with signs saying “No Stairway To Heaven please”, but with changing music times the plea from music…

IT USED to be guitar shops with signs saying "No Stairway To Heavenplease", but with changing music times the plea from music shop staff has now changed to " No Someone Like Youplease" in reference to the popular piano ballad by Adele.

Staff at Dublin's Opus II music shop on South Great George's Street have suggested an Adele "ban" after having to listen to Someone Like Youbeing played a few times every hour by people in their shop trying out the keyboards.

“You get sick of songs when you hear them so often,” said assistant manager Joanna Corscadden.

“There was one particular day about a week ago when it had been played five times within half an hour and a member of staff decided to put up a sign saying ‘Strictly No Adele please’ sort of as a joke but also because we were all so sick of hearing the song.”


Opus II has attracted international attention for the move. “A few days ago someone took a photo of our Adele ban sign and put it up online,” said Ms Corscadden.

She stressed it was a tongue-in-cheek gesture and the ban wasn’t being strictly enforced. But “there was a bit of a discussion about it online and one person actually referred to us as ‘piano shop fascists’. Since then we’ve had people from all over ringing us asking us about it.”

The NMEmusic paper and the BBC were among the media outlets running stories on the shop yesterday.

But it's not just Adele who is being overplayed at Opus II. The sign stipulates that amateur renditions of Für Eliseand anything by composer Michael Nyman are also discouraged.

Brian Boyd

Brian Boyd

Brian Boyd, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes mainly about music and entertainment