Muslims criticise Britain for naming plot suspects

British Muslims criticised the government today for publishing the names of 19 men who police sources say are under arrest for…

British Muslims criticised the government today for publishing the names of 19 men who police sources say are under arrest for allegedly plotting to blow up passenger planes bound for the United States.

The government instructed the Bank of England to publish the names on its website yesterday, just hours after police arrested 24 people in connection with the suspected plot.

Home Secretary John Reid
Home Secretary John Reid

Police have not named the 24 but a police source confirmed they include the 19 named by the central bank. Although the bank did not give the addresses of the 19, it listed their dates of birth and the areas where they live.

The bank's action is unusual in Britain. Normally, authorities do not publish the names of suspects until they have been formally charged and identified by the police.


But the government defended the move, saying it was essential to ensure the assets of the 19 were frozen.

"The Treasury has informed us that this is a normal procedure," British Home Secretary John Reid told a news conference.

"When people's assets are frozen, the names are published, and this, the Treasury tells us, is part of the obligation of ensuring that people cannot deal with such individuals in the transfer of assets."

Some Muslim groups said the move was unnecessary and could hamper the suspects' chance of a fair trial if they are eventually charged in connection with the plot.

The Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS), an umbrella group representing Muslim students, said it was "extremely disappointed" by the government's action.

"It is important to wait until a thorough investigation has taken place before pointing fingers and drawing conclusions," FOSIS spokesman Wakkas Khan said in a statement.

"It is important to maintain the legal principles we hold dear, namely the concept of innocent until proven guilty."

The British government said that in publishing the names, it was not inferring guilt.