'My heart goes out to victims' - President

PRESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: THE REPORT of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse vindicates the efforts of the victims of institutional…

PRESIDENTIAL SUPPORT: THE REPORT of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abusevindicates the efforts of the victims of institutional abuse to break the silence and have their voices heard, President Mary McAleese said.

“They are deeply courageous people who deserve the understanding and support of all of us at this very difficult time,” she said.

“This clear and thorough report has discharged an important public service in bringing these terrible matters to full light.”

Mrs McAleese expressed deep sadness at the findings of the comprehensive report, which was published on Wednesday following a 10-year inquiry which interviewed over 2,000 victims of abuse.


“It was an atrocious betrayal of love,” she said.“My heart goes out to the victims of this terrible injustice, an injustice compounded by the fact that they had to suffer in silence for so long.”

Mrs McAleese said it was “shocking and shameful” that so many children had to endure such “appalling suffering and abuse in institutions whose obligation and vocation it was to provide them with safe and loving care”.

She said it was now important that the public “reflect” on the report’s findings and recommendations. “I know that everybody with a responsibility in the matter will be doing so carefully and fully.”

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times