Negotiation offer to striking miners

The Romanian government, facing a repeat of the bloody protests by miners that toppled the government in 1991, yesterday offered…

The Romanian government, facing a repeat of the bloody protests by miners that toppled the government in 1991, yesterday offered to negotiate with striking coal miners on condition they halt their three-day march on the capital.

"In order to show its availability for dialogue, the government has decided to immediately create a commission which will go to Crayova, even to Rimnicu-Vilcea, to negotiate with the miners," said spokesman Mr Razvan Popescu, referring to two key towns on the miners' route.

President Emil Constantinescu earlier called parliament into special session, "in view of the attempt to turn the miners' strike into a political confrontation, and taking into account the risk that the situation will get out of hand."

The miners, on strike for 17 days, are demanding a 35 per cent pay rise and an about-face on government plans to close unprofitable mines. Nearly 15,000 miners from the central Jiu Valley coal region set out from the town of Tirgu-Jiu early yesterday, the third day of their push towards the capital, 250 km away.