Nevin murder trial is delayed

The trial of Mrs Catherine Nevin, who is charged with the murder of her husband, Tom Nevin, has been delayed by legal argument…

The trial of Mrs Catherine Nevin, who is charged with the murder of her husband, Tom Nevin, has been delayed by legal argument.

In the Central Criminal Court yesterday, a jury panel was sent away until today while legal submissions were made in a separate court.

The jury panel was told last night not to return to the court until tomorrow morning.

A ban on reporting the legal argument has been imposed by Ms Justice Carroll.


Mrs Nevin (48) has denied the murder of her husband, Tom (54), on March 19th, 1996, at their home at Jack White's Inn, Ballinapark, near Brittas Bay, Co Wicklow. She has also denied charges of soliciting three named men to kill him.