New group will study British-Irish links

The Minister for Education and the Northern Secretary yesterday jointly launched a new group, the Institute for British-Irish…

The Minister for Education and the Northern Secretary yesterday jointly launched a new group, the Institute for British-Irish Studies, which will link academics from Dublin, Belfast, London, Cardiff and Edinburgh.

The institute, to be based in UCD's department of politics, aims to become one of the leading centres for the study of British-Irish relationships. It will promote and conduct research on the Northern Ireland conflict, North-South relations and relations between Ireland and Britain.

Speaking at the launch, Mr Peter Mandelson commented on the "tendency to see British-Irish relations exclusively through the lens of Northern Ireland". While this was understandable, he said, the partnership between the British and Irish governments was itself worthy of study, as it had been "critical to every step so far".

He said there had been an unprecedented level of co-operation between the two governments over the past two years. "That partnership will be needed, and it certainly will be tested," he said, as the governments sought a resolution to the stalemate in Northern Ireland.


Dr Woods welcomed the role of the institute in developing co-operation between universities North and South. "It is also refreshing to note that the new institute will constitute a useful resource for policy-makers," he said. "I have no doubt that its research will have an important impact on policy formation."

The board of the institute will be chaired by the former secretary-general of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Mr Noel Dorr.

It will organise conferences and seminars, commission research and produce a variety of publications with the intention of contributing to public awareness and debate on issues concerning relations between the two communities on the island, and between Britain and Ireland.