New Palestinian cabinet faces opposition

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was deep in political crisis today over the inclusion of members of Yasser Arafat 's corruption…

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was deep in political crisis today over the inclusion of members of Yasser Arafat 's corruption-tainted "old guard" in a new cabinet up for approval by a reform-minded legislature.

Legislators in Mr Abbas's Fatah faction have threatened a no-confidence vote in the government, a move that would force Prime Minister Ahmed Korei from office, unless changes were made in the cabinet line-up before parliament met later in the day.

Mr Abbas and allied legislators have been trying to persuade Mr Korei to drop some Arafat loyalists widely seen by Palestinians as corrupt and include more new faces in the government, especially technocrats who can help it run smoother.

Negotiations Affairs Minister Saeb Erekat described the situation as difficult but said: "That is what democracy is all about."


Mr Abbas, who would be under no obligation to leave office if Mr Korei does, is under pressure from the United States and other international donors to revamp often competing security forces and fight corruption.

Many foreign ministers are gathering in London on March 1st to help draw up a financial assistance plan for the Palestinians as momentum toward a possible Middle East peace settlement advances following Mr Arafat's death in November.