New visitor centre for Boyne site

A major visitor and exhibition centre is to be developed by the State on the site of the Battle of the Boyne in Co Meath.

A major visitor and exhibition centre is to be developed by the State on the site of the Battle of the Boyne in Co Meath.

Planning permission for the project, at Oldbridge House, near Drogheda, has been granted to the Office of Public Works by Meath County Council.

A small-scale visitor centre has been operating at the site since 2002 and attracted 25,000 visitors last year.

The planned expanded centre is to include:


a visitor centre comprising exhibitions using maps, models and graphics to depict the historic battle;

a display of full-scale replica 17th-century artillery and supporting military equipment in an outdoor setting;

refurbishment of the adjoining stable-block for audio-visual facilities and toilets and further displays;

restoration of the walled-gardens and provision of a tea-room pavilion;

car/bus parking, access, signage and landscaping.

An Office of Public Works spokesman said yesterday that the OPW was delighted that permission had been granted and it hoped "this important project" could now proceed.

The OPW would not be appealing any of the conditions imposed by the council.

The facility is expected to attract 100,000 visitors a year when the planned work is completed. The Government purchased the Oldbridge estate, which contains the core of the Battle of the Boyne site, in 1999.