Next 24 hours 'critical' for Best

The next 24 hours will be critical for football legend George Best's survival, the doctor treating him said last night.

The next 24 hours will be critical for football legend George Best's survival, the doctor treating him said last night.

Prof Roger Williams said Best (59) was stable, but had made no significant improvement since he was placed on a ventilator after being struck down by a lung infection.

"He is holding, that's what I can say. His condition really hasn't changed since yesterday," Prof Williams said.

"But I would like to have seen some very definite improvement in this last 24 hours. So I think the next 24 hours is going to be critical as to whether he's going to make it or not."


Prof Williams added that Best's family were saying "swear words, good words, bad words, anything to poke a reaction from him", but Best remained heavily sedated and was not communicating.

Prof Williams said the family was unlikely to be faced with having to decide whether treatment should continue for him. "I would imagine the situation will resolve itself naturally, that's what normally happens."

Best was admitted to the hospital on October 1st suffering from infections. His health deteriorated rapidly at the beginning of this month when he developed a kidney infection.