NI civil servant remanded on terror charge

A civil servant who had personal details of 36,000 Government staff on his computer was today granted bail for a month.

A civil servant who had personal details of 36,000 Government staff on his computer was today granted bail for a month.

Peter Kelly (30) has denied collecting information likely to be of use to a person committing an act of terrorism.

The document included details of 3,300 people who worked for the Police Service of Northern Ireland and 70 who worked for the prison service.

Mr Kelly, from Drumboniff Road, Newry, Co Down, was arrested by officers investigating last December's £26.5 million Northern Bank robbery in Belfast.


The computer technician was charged at the city's magistrates' court last week with collecting information likely to be useful to a terrorist and possessing a document which contained the names, payroll references and national insurance numbers for 36,000 civil servants.

Mr Kelly, who worked for the Department of Finance and Personnel in Belfast, appeared for the second time today via videolink and was granted bail until December 14th.