NI dissidents disrupt police meeting

Dissident republican protesters today disrupted a District Policing Partnership meeting in Derry for the second time in two months…

Dissident republican protesters today disrupted a District Policing Partnership meeting in Derry for the second time in two months.

Around 50 extremists forced their way into the city’s Da Vinci’s Hotel where DPP members were holding the public event.

The demonstrators had staged a picket outside the building ahead of the 11am start and attempted to halt proceedings close to the end, scuffling with hotel staff as they pushed into the room.

However, the meeting continued its business despite vocal chanting from the protesters.


In July a similar DPP meeting was called off in the city when hard-liners stormed a hall shouting republican slogans, letting off stink bombs and sounding horns.

Sinn Féin DPP chair Elisha McLaughlin said while the protesters may have genuine concerns about policing in the area, they had no right to intimidate others.

“Many people who had come to the meeting would have felt intimidated by their actions,” she said.

“The way to raise concerns is in a peaceful and democratic manner. I welcome anyone who wants to come to the DPP and engage in that way.”

Last month, the start of a Limavady DPP meeting in Dungiven had to be delayed after another dissident protest.

Chair of the Northern Ireland Policing Board Barry Gilligan praised the DPP members in Derry for not abandoning the event when faced with the provocation.

“I am pleased that the members of the DPP completed the meeting and the business on the agenda, despite attempts to disrupt proceedings,” he said.

“Over 100 local people turned out to this DPP meeting which shows the desire within the local community to access policing services in the area and engage with the DPP on policing issues.”