NI kerb crawlers to face prosecution

Kerb crawling is to be banned in Northern Ireland as part of a new crackdown on the sex trade, it was announced today

Kerb crawling is to be banned in Northern Ireland as part of a new crackdown on the sex trade, it was announced today. Men who cruise the streets looking for prostitutes could face prosecution by early next year.

Policing Minister Paul Goggins is preparing to introduce new legislation making it an offence, in line with Britain. After disclosing details to a Commons Grand Committee, the Northern Ireland Office confirmed details would be released before Christmas.

A ban will mean that people will have the right to seek proper protection from the police and ensure that their community functions as they want it to
SDLP Councillor Pat McCarthy

A spokeswoman said: "Draft legislation containing proposed new offences on kerb crawling and soliciting will be published before the end of the year." The proposals will form part of the Sexual Offences Order which will go out for further public consultation.

The authorities expect to have the laws in place by next Spring. With parts of central Belfast notorious kerb crawling hot spots, a former city mayor backed the initiative.


SDLP Councillor Pat McCarthy said: "I have been campaigning for such a law for several years, and two years ago I organised public meetings on the issue.

"I also used my time as Lord Mayor of Belfast to highlight the problems associated with drivers cruising looking for prostitutes, particularly in the part of the Markets area adjoining the city centre.

"Life is very difficult for people in this area, including families with children. "Their frustration was all the greater because despite all the best efforts of the police, their hands were tied by the lack of suitable legislation."

Mr McCarthy added: "Kerb crawling is an absolute plague for residential areas and I am quite sure that it even deters some business investment.

"A ban will mean that people will have the right to seek proper protection from the police and ensure that their community functions as they want it to."