NI mob attack victim beaten again

A Catholic man left critically injured in a sectarian gang attack that claimed the life of his friend has been assaulted again…

A Catholic man left critically injured in a sectarian gang attack that claimed the life of his friend has been assaulted again.

Damien Fleming, 46, was beaten and kicked by two men close to the same area in Coleraine, Co Derry where he and community worker Kevin McDaid, 49, were set upon by a loyalist mob in May.

Two men got out of car and attacked him in Pate’s Lane in the Heights estate on Wednesday night.

He had only recently got out of hospital after lengthy treatment for serious head injuries.


A police spokesman said they were treating the incident, which left Mr Fleming with cuts and bruises, as a “sectarian hate crime”.

Seven men have so far been charged with the murder of Mr McDaid, a Catholic father-of-four, in violence that flared in the aftermath of Glasgow Rangers’ victory in the race for the Scottish Premier League title.